Polaris RZR XP Recall | Check Your Build Dates

Polaris RZR XP Recall | Check Your Build Dates

  • Recall
Wondering why the new polaris XP 4 900 is taking so long to ship? It appears there has a been a recall for a valve spring issue. Polaris noticed the Valve Spring early enough to pull back most XP4 units before they shipped.

Some 2012 RANGER RZR XP 4 900 and RZR XP4 900 models may have been manufactured with engine valve springs that may fail. The resulting failure could lead to further engine damage.

Refer to the Repair Procedure for the proper installation of new valve springs. This Service Bulletin only affects a small number of 2012 models built on or between 12/14/2011 and 1/13/2012. Refer to “Unit Inquiry” website to be sure each vehicle is within the specified VIN range for this Service Bulletin.http://www.purepolaris.com/en-us/RZR…earch-VIN.aspx

Affected Models:
2012 R12JT87AB, AD, AS, AW RZR XP 900
2012 R12JT9EAW RZR XP 900 EPS
2012 R12XT87AA RZR XP 4 900
2012 R12XT9EAS RZR EX 4 900 EPS

Polaris has provided your Polaris dealer with a service procedure to replace the valve springs. This procedure will take approximately 4 hours to perform. The parts and labor cost to perform this update will be paid by Polaris.

Please contact your local Polaris dealer at your earliest convenience to schedule a service appointment to have the valve springs replaced on your RZR. To avoid serious engine damage, please refrain from riding your RZR until this valve spring replacement has been performed.

We apologize for this inconvenience and assure you that we are committed to quality and building the best vehicles in the world. Although we understand this is an inconvenience, it is important to have the service procedure performed prior to your next use.

While your Polaris ATV dealer is in the best position to answer your questions, if you have any questions your dealer cannot address, you may call our Customer Service Department at 1-888-704-5290. 

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.